Thank you for your interest in coming to ICAR XI in Las Cruces!

Registration fees cover the conference participation for the week, the mid-conference field trip, and the banquet dinner (see the Conference Schedule for more details). For those wanting to bring a +1 to the conference field trip and banquet please contact us for more information:

You will see below an option to take advantage of the reduced rates for ISAR members by signing up to be an ISAR member at the same time. In this case, individual receipts will be provided by email for the ICAR registration and the ISAR membership. Note that the membership provided here is only the 1-year regular and student version, while other types of membership are available at the ISAR website.

Registration will continue to made available to those that have not been able to register for reasons beyond their control (e.g., administration approval, visa approval, etc.) until June 26. Please contact if you need to be provided with a link to the registration after the closing date.

NOTE: If you experience with the payment please either attempt at a later day or contact us ( and we can provide you with an alternative payment option. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Registration is now closed